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Zunaira Ali 


12 Easy Yet Best Tips That Help You Fall Asleep Quickly

Image by César Couto

Do you toss and turn night after night but are unable to sleep? Do you wake up suddenly in the night and struggle to fall back asleep? Do you wake up in the morning feeling tired? 


Well, in that case, you're not alone! 


Lack of sleep is a major problem of the urban lifestyle, and it can bring along several other side effects like weight gain, higher stress levels, or anxiety. It's crucial to emphasize the importance of sleeping well, as our body grows and repairs itself while we sleep. 


Additionally, when it comes to sleep, it's always about quality, not quantity. But don't worry, I have an answer for all of you: the New Magic Sleep Potion. I know it sounds crazy that a magic pill, potion, or pillow can help you sleep better, but I'm totally against such marketing gimmicks.


Hence, I'll tell you about 12 scientific techniques that you can bookmark and try out to flip the switch button and direct your body to fall asleep quickly.

1. Maintain optimal room temperature

Make your room cool (and I'm not talking about decorations!), I'm talking about the temperature. When you're trying to go to sleep your body naturally lowers its temperature.


So, if your room is cooler, it is much easier for you to fall asleep quickly. Just set your thermostat between 60-67°F or find the temperature that works best for you.

2. Breathe with your mind

Breathing patterns play a role in our autonomic nervous system. The system regulates heart rate, muscle tension, and other aspects of relaxation or excitement. 


Considering this fact, Dr. Andrew Weil introduced his 4-7-8 technique. According to him, it is the most powerful relaxation method he's discovered so far. This practice is very simple and requires no equipment. 


To do it, you just have to breathe in through your nose quietly to a count of 4, then hold your breath to a count of 7, and blow air out through your mouth audibly or forcefully (make a whoosh sound). You do this for a total of four breathing cycles.

3. The Military Method

Learn this military method so you could fall asleep in less than 120 seconds. This US army technique was first introduced by Sharon Ackerman.

As soldiers need to get a good night's sleep so that they're able to perform their tasks efficiently. No matter what the environment is, this practice falls them sleep even if they're sitting. 

For this, just loosen up your entire face muscles including your eyes, jaws, and forehead. Then, relieve the tension from your upper and lower body including shoulders, hands, thighs, calves, and legs. And deeply exhale and inhale. 

Right after the physical relaxation, clear up your mind for almost 10 seconds. And think that you are lying in a canoe, on the most serene lake, beneath a blue sky. And within a few seconds, you'll fall asleep.

4. Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR)

Are you tensed up or overburdened? Then please do Progressive Muscle Relaxation to unwind your tensed or stiff muscles for a better night's sleep.

In this therapy, you've to do some simple exercises to tense one part of your body at a time and relax it with the release of tension. This technique is for insomnia patients so they get relaxed and comfortable before sleeping.

Hence, to fall asleep quickly include Progressive Muscle Relaxation in your daily routine.

5. Get on a schedule

Discipline is the key to regulating our body's functions. Our body's internal clock cues us so that we feel alert during the day and sleepy at night. If you set a consistent time for waking up and going to bed, your body internalizes this pattern and follows it on a daily basis.

6. Get a mattress of the right firmness

Buy a mattress that is suitable for you. Why am I saying this? Because everyone has different preferences in terms of mattress firmness. Some want extra firmness, but some are comfortable with softness. 


This all depends on an individual's age, physique, or activity level. Therefore, many brands, like Amerisleep, present six varied types of mattresses from the firmest to the softest.

7. Practice yoga, meditation, and mindfulness

In this stressed-out world, if you're not able to fall asleep quickly, then practice yoga, meditation, and mindfulness. These practices not only relieve tension from your muscles but also calm your mind. 

For instance, yoga improves your breathing patterns and releases stress from your body. Mindfulness helps you focus on the present and clears your mind of worrisome thoughts. Finally, meditation enhances melatonin levels and helps your brain fall asleep as quickly as possible.

8. Acupressure for sleep

Not many, but some researchers determine that acupressure techniques work wonders. Some of the specific points which help you fall asleep quickly are:


  • Spirit gate: To do this, simply press the small, hollow space on your pinky finger for 2-3 minutes in circular motions.

  • Inner frontier gate: Face your palm up and gently apply pressure on the wrist with your thumb, using the distance of three fingers.

  • Wind pool: Interlock your fingers and create a cup shape by opening your palms. Point your thumbs to touch the area where your neck and head connect.

9. Avoid looking at your clock

If you constantly look at the clock and think that it's why you're not feeling sleepy, please don't do this! Research shows that this obsessive behavior may cause sleep anxiety. So, if possible, remove the clock from your room! 

10. Become a caveman

Some decades ago, when there were no smartphones, people used to sleep in the dark. Researchers find this environment ideal for a good night's sleep. Therefore, set up your room like a cave 30 minutes before sleeping and switch off all smart devices such as TVs, laptops, or smartphones. 

If you cannot create a prehistoric sleep cave environment, use blackout shades or an eye mask. I am sure that you will fall asleep quickly if you follow these steps.

11. Watch what and when you eat

The next tip is to avoid eating too close to bedtime, as research has proven that it may affect your sleep. Many studies show that eating high-carb foods stimulates your gastric juices and causes discomfort. 


Therefore, you should avoid them. Instead, eat high-fat meals as they help you fall asleep quickly. Other items that top the list are spicy and overly citrusy foods, so please refrain from them.


Furthermore, there is something that many people do before going to sleep, and that is drinking alcohol. While it may help you fall asleep, it can hurt the quality of your sleep, and you won't wake up well-rested.

12. Try aromatherapy Listen to relaxing music

Studies show that using essential oils like lavender, damask rose, and peppermint oil blends mixed with drops of lemon and orange can help you fall asleep quickly. Additionally, listening to soothing or Buddhist music can also aid in recovering from chronic sleep issues. So, give them a try!



Don't forget to try these 12 tips and tricks for quality sleep to improve your sleep and achieve a sound body and mind.

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